The Other Guys....a Comedy? a Thriller? an Action Movie?? Who knows. I certainly couldn't tell you, what I can tell you however is that its one HILARIOUS ride.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
The Other Guys - Review
The Other Guys....a Comedy? a Thriller? an Action Movie?? Who knows. I certainly couldn't tell you, what I can tell you however is that its one HILARIOUS ride.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Grown Ups - Reviewed

How can such talented and genuinely funny comedians produce such a stale, unfunny movie as this?
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Rik Reviews- The Expendables
Reviewed by Guest Critic, Rik Beans.
The last time Stallone was in a movie… it was a familiar franchise. Rambo didn’t do too badly
in the cinemas, grossing over $150 million. I honestly can’t say whether I liked it or not, because I never watched it.
But it was a series I never got into, except First Blood, because it had an interesting premise.
I first heard about The Expendables over a year ago, thinking, ‘Wow, this guy never ever quits does he?!’. Then I looked at some production stills and was impressed with his physique, seeing as he is 64.
Then I dug more into the movie’s production… and discovered that the cast was a lineup of action stars, past and present. That just freaking blew me away. And THEN… I saw the trailer with Ahnold. I then made a vow to myself to watch this, no matter what.
And I have no regrets.
The action in this movie is relentless. In short, this movie is every other action movie that was made in the late 80′s and early 90′s. Reminiscent of such campy action hits like Commando, Last Action Hero, Universal Soldier (the original) and the likes.
Now some of you may cringe at the thought of having to sit through about a hundred minutes of rubbish. Well, I actually like 90′s action movies. They never ever take themselves seriously and they shouldn’t, because realistically, most of the things done in action movies cannot be emulated in real life.
And you can’t say that’s not true, not with Mythbusters backing me up.
The story is a typical action movie, a bunch of mercenaries being brought into a mission under really secretive pretenses, and then they get sucked into it because of some noble reason. There were some side stories that was really interesting and funny.
But I didn’t go into the movie hoping for an Oscar worthy plotline. I wanted to see a shitload of guns, explosions and hand to hand combat. And I got all 3.
There is nothing more I can say about this movie other than it’s really fun to watch. And just look at the cast, seriously.
There is one thing that bugged me, though. They didn’t use Dolph Lundgren to his full potential. He’s more than just a raging psychopath. Sure, most of his roles were as bad guys because he looks the part, but I enjoy his presence on the screen. Not to mention he hasn’t been in anything since FOREVER. I don’t even think the younger generation know who the hell he is. They should have really added Jean Claude Van Damme though… it would have completed the entire lineup.
Well, maybe there’ll be Expendables 2… who knows. And maybe then, the lineup would be more kickass.
A definite F**KING WATCH IT NOW!!
For other reviews and various opinions on life visit Riks Blog
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
The Hurt Locker

I sat through this film after hearing all the hype, rave reviews and of course noticing the success it had with academy awards....and I can safely say it was all very much deserved.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Hot Tub Time Machine

This movie is unashamed of itself and that, my friends, is what makes it so much fun.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
New Poster For Shyamalan's Devil.

Lifts* are pretty bad - slow, unreliable, sometimes a bit overcrowded and smelly. Lifts that are stuck are even worse - slower, smellier and more overcrowded by the minute as the walls close in. But at least you don't usually have Satan in there with you, putting you ahead of the cast of upcoming horror Devil - for which we have an exclusive new poster below.
Rather stylish, eh? The film comes from the twisted mind of M. Night Shyamalan, who wrote the story on which Brian Nelson's screenplay is based. It's directed by Quarantine director John Erick Dowdle, and stars a cast comprised mostly of people you've never heard of and those you recognise from that thing on TV, whadyacallit, on the top of my tongue. Which, in horror movies, can be an advantage because it's harder to figure out who to trust.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Harry Potter Exclusive Offer For Joe On Film.
Now this is what trailers should be like..
Monday, 2 August 2010
The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

In a way it's such a quintessential summer flick....loud, funny, fast and instantly forgettable.
Review By Joseph Carter
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Scream 4: First pic of Ghostface.