How can such talented and genuinely funny comedians produce such a stale, unfunny movie as this?
"Grown Ups" was billed as being the funniest movie of the summer, boasting a cast PACKED to the brim with comedic greatness. The plot (and I use that term in the loosest way possible) goes as follows...After their high school basketball coach passes away, five good friends and former teammates reunite for a Fourth of July holiday weekend. The five friends are played by Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider. 5 comedian buddies hanging out with each other...not being funny. Seriously thats about it. It's 102 mins of the most embarassing excuse for comedy, plus a few schmaltzy American pre-packaged morals thrown in about how important family is yadayadayada.
What happened? It seems like Adam phoned up some of his comedian pals and said "hey you wanna make a movie? We can hang out by a lake for a few weeks, have some fun and make some money? You know people will buy into this right?". Its pure mediocrity, every scene in this movie is a 3 minute set up for one unfunny gag after another. Whole elaborate scenes set up for what culminates in a nancy bitchslap of a PUNCH line. Not only that, its infuriating that the 5 "Comedians" ARE genuinley funny guys, they have been in some great films and shows that I care about...such as the wonderful "King of Queens", but the star of that show "Kevin James" doesnt so much as cause a titter during the runtime of "Grown Ups".
I feel the blame has to lie with someone and that someone has to be "Adam Sandler", he seems to be almost afraid of the camera throughout the movie, and possibly is on the same tranquilizer as "Chris Rock", who literally sounds like he just woke up as he delivers each of his lines, then retires back into his coma. "Adam Sandler" also co wrote this piece of infantile garbage.....although when you see that his co writer was involved with "Without a Paddle" the lack of laughs kinda makes sense.
Rob Schneider once again tried his hardest at acting, David Spade however actually was kinda funny, out of everyone...he actually caused a laugh or two.
Anyway this is a warning to all JOE ON FILM readers....please, please, PLEASE don't watch this movie, save your money, don't give it to Adam. We need a PSA for this movie....seriously.
2/10- I have never felt so deeply saddened that I have the ability to see and hear.
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