Thursday, 11 August 2011

Captain America...Reviewed by Joseph Carter

Captain America is the latest in the long list of Superhero Movies on offer over the last year. It tells the tale of one of MARVEL COMICS most iconic characters, the origin of the propaganda ridden, recruit turned super soldier US Army Captain!
Set mostly during World War II, Steve Rodgers (Chris Evans) is determined to sign up with the US military, however his scrawny body shape (achieved by some wonderful CGI effects) results in him being rejected again and again. Luck changes though when Dr. Erksine (Stanley Tucci) recruits him for a secret government project. Showing great courage Rogers undergoes the experiment and transforms into a tall, muscular, Super Solider aka Captain America. Meanwhile in Nazi Germany the head of a secret research department, Johann Schmidt (Hugo Weaving) is set on taking over the world (in true comic book form). So our unique hero, Captain America, is put to work to save the world from the dastardly Red Skull aka Johann Schmidt.

A perfect recipe for Superhero fun, and admittedly this movie is enjoyable from the very start. Styled as a Saturday Morning Serial with larger than life characters, high stakes drama and action. The cast is adequate at fulfilling what is nessacery for such arch performances, no one stands out by any means, which is actually a strength. However much this movie is about Captain America it feels very much like an ensemble piece, where even minor characters have great impact on the story. 
The action scenes are rip roaring, cartoonish and immensely unrealistic, but once again it works. It knows very much what kind of film it is, not losing its way at any point. Worth mentioning is the rousing score by Alan Silvestri, it fits the style perfectly and enhances the action just enough without distracting us.
So, the film ticks all the boxes…well…nearly. However well constructed and executed, this movie is lacking something big. It lacks originality, it’s perfectly good but instantly forgettable. Simply put, we have seen it all before and in this over saturated genre, Captain America sadly disappears. I honestly felt like I would have been better served renting out the DVD in another 3 months. There is nothing special about this film, at all. By all means completely enjoyable but entirely unremarkable.
3 out of 5
An enjoyable Superhero flick, keeps your attention from the very start. But ultimately fails in being remotely memorable. Better luck next time Marvel.
Review by Joseph Carter
@thejosephcarter on twitter
Joe On Film on Facebook

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